Thursday, February 08, 2007

It's not about how many times you risk your life, it's about how many times you live to tell the story!

Ok, so I'm exagerating a little bit, but I feared for my life climbing up the side of one of Scotlands rolling hills. I have about a million nettles in my hand from grasping the bushes in fear!!!!! The second pic is the before climb picture, the bottom is the after with the nettle bushes. I was too scared to step to the ledge to give the full effect of the fear I experienced. Kate had to talk me up the hill. It was so friggin steep that you couldn't really sit. But now that i'm all calmed down it's not that big of a deal.

The top pic is of the castle that I didn't 'really' get to see, because I forgot to account for what time the damn thing closed. But that night me and my friend Pam went out for our last bedtime cigy, we were in our pj's : I was wearing pj pants, a T and sandals (yes the weather is fantabulous here). We walk up to the castle accross the draw bridge and the gigantic castle door starts opening up for us! LOL it was a guard asking, we just said we were looking around. He was really nice about it.
I hit up about 8-12 pubs during the weekend. I even met a girl from Milton who is in Scotland studying for her masters, who happens to know one of my friends from Waterloo (small world after all)
I got an authentic scotish pub T from Deacon Brodies, I went on a very corny dungeon tour. We met Carolyne Crawford from Tennessee, who joined us in Glasgow and accompanied us to Edinburgh.
Food wise I went for the whole cultural experience again:
Haggis, neeps and tatties
Black (blood) pudding
bangers and mash
Fish and chips
Stake and ale pie
I also tried some Scotish whiskey, some tenants ale and even bought some Whiskey flavoured condoms !!! I heard some live dropkick songs - got a random boy to sing some songs to us in a pub - fields of Atherny and a band at "the Scotsman" played the black velvet band.
All in all it was a great weekend, it felt like a little taste of home.
Next trip - Germany and Austria (Switzerland will come later)!!!! Sound of music tour here I come!!!!!
So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, goodnight!!!!